Tag: Arguments

Do you think your (dis)belief is logical?

We like to think we are logical and right in our opinions, including opinions about God. But there are reasons to question this, for both believers and non-believers. Looking at what psychologists say and what believers and unbelievers say, leads to some interesting conclusions.

Why don’t I disbelieve in God?

How do I balance 12 reasons to believe in God and 6 reasons to disbelieve? I think the theistic arguments are stronger and more fundamental. There are good reasons to believe!

A universe out of nothing vs God out of nowhere

Sherlock Holmes said: “when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” How does this apply to the universe?

Brute facts and reasons to believe

How do we explain the universe? Are there reasons to believe God made it, or it appeared out of nothing? Or should we give up on finding an explanation and say it just is (a “brute fact”)?

Pythagorus and God

Humans can use the Pythagorus Theorem to set out accurate right angles. You may be surprised to know that one philosopher sees this ability as being a pointer to naturalism not being true.

Christianity: too weird to be true!?

This is the 4th post in the series, 6 reasons to disbelieve in God? Is christian belief just too weird to be true, as many people feel?

Is God hiding or just not there?

For most people God isn’t evident in the world, but is hidden. But why would a loving God hide from us? Perhaps he’s not there after all?

6 reasons to disbelieve in God?

Not long ago I completed a series of posts on 12 reasons to believe in God. So here’s the sequel! 6 reasons to disbelieve in God.

6. I think, therefore ……. ?

The story so far We have been looking at different aspects of our common experience as human beings that are hard, if not impossible, to explain if our universe is no more than physical. Most neuroscientists find it hard to see why our consciousness, our unique sense of ourselves, would evolve in a purely physical […]

4. Freedom of choice

The story so far ….. We have seen that it is hard to explain the fact that the universe exists without some sort of cause and hard to explain its apparent design apart from a designer. Then we saw that it is also difficult to explain human consciousness on purely naturalistic terms. This post, we […]