Tag: Cosmology

Did God create a wasteful universe?

The universe seems way larger than it needs to be to provide a place for us humans. Is that an argument against creation by God? What does science say?

How to think your way into religious belief?

A journalist sums up some of the evidence that there is more to the world and life than materialism suggests.

The universe – stranger than we could imagine

The more we learn about our universe, and the forces and particles that form it, the more weird it seems.

Is God a good theory?

An old Sean Carroll video asks whether God is a good scientific theory. The video is persuasive, but most of the arguments fall down on analysis.

A universe out of nothing vs God out of nowhere

Sherlock Holmes said: “when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” How does this apply to the universe?

The fine-tuning adventures of Luke Barnes

Cosmologist Luke Barnes, an expert on the scientific evidence for the fine-tuning of the universe, has published an argument for the existence of God.

Brute facts and reasons to believe

How do we explain the universe? Are there reasons to believe God made it, or it appeared out of nothing? Or should we give up on finding an explanation and say it just is (a “brute fact”)?

2. Was the universe designed, or random?

People tend to take a lot for granted. The sun keeps shining, the earth is full of useful minerals and gravity keeps us from flying off into space. We don’t think about it much, but what if things were different? What if gravity repulsed rather than attracted? What if we couldn’t sit on a chair […]

1. Why does the universe exist?

When thinking about possible evidence for the existence of God, it seems logical to start with the big picture, and work our way down to the more personal. So we start by considering the universe and the explanation of its existence. What is the universe? This may sound like the dumbest of questions, for we […]

Did the universe have a beginning? Did it arise from nothing?

I suppose it is quite natural to look at the night sky, especially away from city lights, and be in awe. When we learn that the universe apparently contains something like 100 billion galaxies, each with about 100 billion stars, our amazement and awe increase. It is also natural to ask where it all came […]