Tag: Life

Life is spiritual?

Do you ever wonder if life is more than the mundane, and human beings are more than just physical flesh and blood? There is evidence to support this feeling.

Would eternal life be impossibly boring?

Some things in life seem impossible any way we look at them. That makes them tantalising to consider. This post: does the idea of eternal life make any sense? And would it become boring after a while? An angel longs to escape eternal life In Wim Wenders’ classic film Wings of Desire (the original German […]

How we can flourish – 4 keys

We all want a good life. We want to flourish. We want to be free to pursue our own choices. But what does it take?

The pandemic and the meaning of life

The Covid pandemic has affected all of us, and has shaken many foundations. What are we learning about ourselves, our culture and the meaning we give life?

Money can’t buy health or happiness?

Are wealthier people happier or healthier? What actually makes people happy? Which countries are the best to live in? Check out some statistics.

Whatever happened to my tennis shoe?
(An NDE story)

Who is right about near death experiences (NDEs), the true believers or the sceptics? Or neither?

Blowing in the wind

Race riots in the sixties drew a supportive response from young whites. Will it happen again? Will christians stand on the side of compassion and justice? Will it make a difference? The answer is blowing in the wind.

If there’s a God, why doesn’t he answer our prayers?

People pray but they don’t seem to get answers, except coincidentally. Doesn’t this show there’s no God there to answer them?

God and life in a time of plague

All the news is about the coronavirus, but what does this pandemic tell us (if anything) about God?

11. Finding God in everyday life

What this page is about We have seen that some people appear to have experienced God through a healing, a vision or other “peak” experience. But what of the rest of us, who haven’t had such an experience? Does God communicate in more “ordinary” ways? Does this make a difference in people’s lives? In this […]