Tag: OldTestament

Murder, mayhem and millions of refugees?

I’m starting a series of posts examining some of the most vexed questions about the Old Testament of the Bible. Can we believe all the miracles …. or any of them? Did God really behave that way? Does archaeology really support the Bible story, or prove it didn’t happen? Today I’m examining accounts in the […]

The Bible: all or nothing?

Sorry, I hit “publish” accidentally. Correct page coming soon.

What should we make of the Old Testament?

What should we make of the Old Testament? Is it worth reading?

Yahweh vs Jesus

Is the God portrayed in the Old Testament evil? Is he different to the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament?

Understanding the Old Testament

The Old Testament is a strange book – well a collection of dozens of books actually. How can any twenty-first century person understand it? Can any thoughtful person really believe all of it? What do the experts say? These are questions I have grappled with for much of my life. I feel, finally, I have […]

The Exodus (book review)

What should we make of the story of the Exodus in the Old Testament? Two million people escape slavery in Egypt after a series of savage plagues, with God leading the way. They escape the pursuing Egyptian army by walking through the waters of the Red Sea, which God miraculously parts, then closes on the […]