Tag: People

The pandemic and the meaning of life

The Covid pandemic has affected all of us, and has shaken many foundations. What are we learning about ourselves, our culture and the meaning we give life?

Whatever happened to my tennis shoe?
(An NDE story)

Who is right about near death experiences (NDEs), the true believers or the sceptics? Or neither?

If there’s a God, why doesn’t he answer our prayers?

People pray but they don’t seem to get answers, except coincidentally. Doesn’t this show there’s no God there to answer them?

God and life in a time of plague

All the news is about the coronavirus, but what does this pandemic tell us (if anything) about God?

11. Finding God in everyday life

What this page is about We have seen that some people appear to have experienced God through a healing, a vision or other “peak” experience. But what of the rest of us, who haven’t had such an experience? Does God communicate in more “ordinary” ways? Does this make a difference in people’s lives? In this […]

10. Jesus appears to people – really?

What this page is about I don’t know about you, but when I hear a story of someone seeing a vision – of God, or Jesus or angels, or whatever – my first thought is to think hallucination, imagination or even invention. Likely as fake as the above graphic. We live in a day when […]

What would it take to convince you that a healing miracle had occurred?

It’s not uncommon to come across stories of people being miraculously healed. They are some of the most popular pages on this site, and there’s no shortage of them on the internet. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing that some people want to feel re-assured God is really there, and some are perhaps looking […]

Ache, angst and aspiration

Do you ever find yourself waking up at night for no reason, and taking some time to finally fall asleep again? And if you do, what do you think about? Do you focus on emptying your mind so you can fall asleep again? Or maybe you go through your plans for the coming day? Or […]

Susan Blackmore: there’s no ‘me’!

Have you ever wondered: if the cells in our bodies change every 10 years or so, am I still the same person I was 40 years ago?

Chinese New Year, modern Buddhism and modern Christianity

It is Chinese New Year, and last Saturday we visited the celebrations at Hurstville, the suburb where we both grew up and now home to a large Chinese community. We watched the parade and checked out the stalls, and found plenty to interest us.