Category: Fun

AI & “Is there a God?”

After my previous serious look at AI, I thought I’d also have a bit of fun. So I asked the Claude AI model to write me a home page promo for Is there a God?

How well do you know the Christmas story?

The Christmas story is as old as time. But how well do we know it really? Test yourself against these twelve questions.

Enjoy your spam!

Spam is ubiquitous on the internet. Offer an email address or a comment box and a spambot will attempt to make use of it. If you can’t beat them, at least find some humour! Recent spam comments on this blog (which don’t make it through) have been on behalf of a bewildering variety of commercial […]

Enjoy your spam!!!

One of the occupational hazards of blogging is spam comments. You’d expect them to be from the usual sleazy suspects, but more often they’re from small businesses selling laptop batteries, obscure medicinals, and search engine optimisation, etc, hoping they’ll get a link from my site to theirs. Many have a very generic comment praising the […]

The Middle East 2008 concert

This blog is supposed to be about the question Is there a God?, but one of my indulgences is to talk occasionally about another love in my life – music. And it is no secret that one of favourite bands is the now lamented Aussie band, The Middle East.