Category: Interesting …

Awesome is good!

Awesome is an over-used word. But some things really do give us a sense of awe. Have you ever marvelled at the Milky Way on a clear night, or the grace and delicacy of an intricate spiderweb? Felt in awe of a fierce thunderstorm, or a huge waterfall? Maybe thinking about infinite space makes you […]

AI and God

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is kind of the “next big thing”. Everyone seems to be talking about it. But is it a big deal? Is it dangerous? What does God think about it? What does AI think about God? In this post I’ll try to answer some of these questions. I wrote this post myself. I […]

Quantum physics – surprises for everyone!

Quantum physics challenges what we know about matter, light and the universe. Its challenge to materialism is worth looking into.

Why did God do it?

If I was God, I’m just not sure I would have created humans, with all the pain and suffering that can lead to.

Are we alone in the universe?

Contact with aliens is a popular theme in science fiction stories. Some people even think they have seen, or been contacted by, aliens. But so far, despite more than 30 years of a scientific Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), no evidence has been found that there is any intelligent life “out there”. But some new […]

Buying books online: Book Depository

This post is about buying books online, and finding where is the cheapest and best.

History for Atheists

History can sometimes be a battleground in the atheist-christian “wars”. Old Testament history, the life of Jesus, or the misdeeds of the church or individual christians can all become arguments that sceptics use to provide reasons to not believe. But not all the arguments are based on good history, and one atheist feels strongly about […]

The science of Genesis?

About 6 years ago, on another blog, I did a post about a rising young evolutionary biologist who wrote a book based on accepted evolutionary science, but which related the science to the Bible’s account of creation in Genesis. He was soundly lambasted for his temerity. Now a young astrophysicist has dared to do a […]

No more! No more!

U2 on the Rattle and Hum tour way back in 1987, sang their old song Sunday Bloody Sunday, in response to an IRA bombing. It’s long been one of my favourite pieces of concert footage as Bono, outraged by the killing, emotes on stage, while the Edge, ever the steady rock around which the band […]

Did the early christian church grow very fast?

Let’s say at the start that this isn’t the most important question in the world! But I think it is interesting. The background is this. The New Testament (Acts 1:15) records there were 120 disciples in Jerusalem a few weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Three centuries later, historians estimate that there were somewhere between […]