Tag: Evidence

The fine-tuning adventures of Luke Barnes

Cosmologist Luke Barnes, an expert on the scientific evidence for the fine-tuning of the universe, has published an argument for the existence of God.

Whatever happened to my tennis shoe?
(An NDE story)

Who is right about near death experiences (NDEs), the true believers or the sceptics? Or neither?

Christianity: too weird to be true!?

This is the 4th post in the series, 6 reasons to disbelieve in God? Is christian belief just too weird to be true, as many people feel?

Can we believe in God in the scientific age?

Has religion been replaced by science? Has science proved religion to be wrong? Is religious belief based on unjustified faith rather than hard facts?

Is God hiding or just not there?

For most people God isn’t evident in the world, but is hidden. But why would a loving God hide from us? Perhaps he’s not there after all?

Do suffering and evil prove there’s no God?

There is much beauty in our world, but also much evil and suffering. Does this prove that a good God couldn’t have created the world? Are there any reasons why suffering exists?

6 reasons to disbelieve in God?

Not long ago I completed a series of posts on 12 reasons to believe in God. So here’s the sequel! 6 reasons to disbelieve in God.

Why I believe in God

A summary of aspects of life and the universe that point to God’s existence – i.e. they are more likely if God exists than if he or she doesn’t.

12. It works (mostly!)

This page in brief …. In the previous eleven posts in this series, we have seen that many different aspects of life (the universe, human life, the history of Jesus and human experience) all seem to make more sense if there is a creator God, than if there is not. In this final post, we […]

10. Jesus appears to people – really?

What this page is about I don’t know about you, but when I hear a story of someone seeing a vision – of God, or Jesus or angels, or whatever – my first thought is to think hallucination, imagination or even invention. Likely as fake as the above graphic. We live in a day when […]