Artificial Intelligence (AI) is kind of the “next big thing”. Everyone seems to be talking about it. But is it a big deal? Is it dangerous? What does God think about it? What does AI think about God? In this post I’ll try to answer some of these questions. I wrote this post myself. I […]
Can life have meaning without God? Where does meaning come from? Can we choose our meaning, or is it something we must find?
It’s been a difficult year for many of us. Do we despair or hope for better? But where do we find hope?
If science and philosophy can’t explain consciousness, does that show consciousness is an illusion, or that science and philosophy are not adequate to the task?
Are you interested in the supernatural? Fascinated by mysteries? Wonder what is the truth about the paranormal? Here’s a book to get your teeth into!
Many pundits recommend we set ourselves clear goals in life. This short film is an imaginative look at goals and achievement.
An article by a prominent neuroscience researcher argues against a materialistic approach to brain and mind. What can we learn from him?
People matter more than things, we sometimes say. But do we matter more than animals? Our laws say so. What can we learn from this?
There are many things about humans which are hard to explain. Consciousness is one. When we try to explain it we end up in interesting places.
People who hear voices or see visions are abnornal, right? But are they suffering from a mental ilness?