Tag: Life

Awesome is good!

Awesome is an over-used word. But some things really do give us a sense of awe. Have you ever marvelled at the Milky Way on a clear night, or the grace and delicacy of an intricate spiderweb? Felt in awe of a fierce thunderstorm, or a huge waterfall? Maybe thinking about infinite space makes you […]

AI and God

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is kind of the “next big thing”. Everyone seems to be talking about it. But is it a big deal? Is it dangerous? What does God think about it? What does AI think about God? In this post I’ll try to answer some of these questions. I wrote this post myself. I […]

The day God saved my life …. perhaps

I don’t really expect God to speak to me. But one day he did, and it may have saved my life!

Finding hope?

It’s been a difficult year for many of us. Do we despair or hope for better? But where do we find hope?

A happy ending?

I like to relate stories that have happy endings and point to God. I’m not sure how Anna McGahan’s story fits in, but decide for yourself!

Supernatural experiences?

Are you interested in the supernatural? Fascinated by mysteries? Wonder what is the truth about the paranormal? Here’s a book to get your teeth into!

Is science the best way to know things?

Is science is the best way to know things, “because scientific knowledge is better than non-scientific knowledge”? or is this an over-statement?

Searching woman finds Bruce Almighty

A Buddhist finds God in an unexpected way, but doesn’t know who he is, so calls him Bruce Almighty.

Forgiveness & pardon

Forgiveness is a core part of the christian faith, and I thought I understood it. But I found it was slightly more complicated than I thought.

Life goals

Many pundits recommend we set ourselves clear goals in life. This short film is an imaginative look at goals and achievement.