Tag: What is human?

Life is spiritual?

Do you ever wonder if life is more than the mundane, and human beings are more than just physical flesh and blood? There is evidence to support this feeling.

How we can flourish – 4 keys

We all want a good life. We want to flourish. We want to be free to pursue our own choices. But what does it take?

Would you like to live forever?

Would you like to live forever? Silly question? Could eternal life be boring or impossible? Or could it be wonderful? And is it possible?

Strange thoughts about brains: a casual conversation

It was just a short conversation over coffee….. …. when the conversation turned to brains. “My neurobiology lecture this morning was pretty challenging. It was about theories of how the brain does logical reasoning. They still don’t really understand it. Left me wondering about how the brain can think logically at all.” “What do you […]

Pythagorus and God

Humans can use the Pythagorus Theorem to set out accurate right angles. You may be surprised to know that one philosopher sees this ability as being a pointer to naturalism not being true.

12. It works (mostly!)

This page in brief …. In the previous eleven posts in this series, we have seen that many different aspects of life (the universe, human life, the history of Jesus and human experience) all seem to make more sense if there is a creator God, than if there is not. In this final post, we […]

8. Experiencing God in a deep way?

This page in brief …. Some people have deep spiritual, or mystical, experiences. Many of them believe they have experienced God. Psychologists have examined these experiences, which are very real, and can describe some of their common characteristics. Could this really be God communicating with people? Let’s look at the evidence that psychologists have uncovered.

7. The evidence for miraculous healing

The plot thickens! So far in this series, I have presented 6 reasons to believe that a theistic explanation of the universe and humanity makes more sense than a naturalistic explanation. Each reason increases the probability that there is a God. But is that God a personal being, as most of the world’s monotheistic religions […]

6. I think, therefore ……. ?

The story so far We have been looking at different aspects of our common experience as human beings that are hard, if not impossible, to explain if our universe is no more than physical. Most neuroscientists find it hard to see why our consciousness, our unique sense of ourselves, would evolve in a purely physical […]

5. Are some things really right and wrong?

Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong, however warped it may be, but where does it come from? Are some things really right and wrong, or are ethics just arbitrary?