Tag: Belief

Why don’t I disbelieve in God?

How do I balance 12 reasons to believe in God and 6 reasons to disbelieve? I think the theistic arguments are stronger and more fundamental. There are good reasons to believe!

A universe out of nothing vs God out of nowhere

Sherlock Holmes said: “when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” How does this apply to the universe?

Can God become a baby?

Christmas is about a baby. A baby who was somehow also God. But can that idea make sense? How can we understand it?

Christians and conspiracy theories

These are fertile days for conspiracy theories. Who believes them and why? Are christians more prone to believe them?

Would you like to live forever?

Would you like to live forever? Silly question? Could eternal life be boring or impossible? Or could it be wonderful? And is it possible?

The Bible: impossible to take seriously?

Sceptics often find it difficult to take the Bible seriously because of awful or silly things, or inconsistencies. Is this a reason to disbelieve in God? Or is there is another way to look at it? We need to start be examining what the Bible is, and isn’t.

Can we believe in God in the scientific age?

Has religion been replaced by science? Has science proved religion to be wrong? Is religious belief based on unjustified faith rather than hard facts?

6 reasons to disbelieve in God?

Not long ago I completed a series of posts on 12 reasons to believe in God. So here’s the sequel! 6 reasons to disbelieve in God.

12. It works (mostly!)

This page in brief …. In the previous eleven posts in this series, we have seen that many different aspects of life (the universe, human life, the history of Jesus and human experience) all seem to make more sense if there is a creator God, than if there is not. In this final post, we […]

6. I think, therefore ……. ?

The story so far We have been looking at different aspects of our common experience as human beings that are hard, if not impossible, to explain if our universe is no more than physical. Most neuroscientists find it hard to see why our consciousness, our unique sense of ourselves, would evolve in a purely physical […]