Tag: Blogging

AI & “Is there a God?”

After my previous serious look at AI, I thought I’d also have a bit of fun. So I asked the Claude AI model to write me a home page promo for Is there a God?

Behind the scenes at “Is there a God?”

A few wry observations about what people look for on “Is there a God?” and how I try to keep the customer satisfied.

In a hurry?

It’s a rush-hour world for many of us, and the online world is especially busy. So much to read, so little time! So you can read 1-minute summaries of some of the most popular pages on this site, to see if you want to read more, or not.

Making this site more mobile friendly

This page is for those interested in Wordpress coding, and shows how I created a child theme and a new page template and redesigned this site to load faster and be more mobile-friendly.

All change – because the world is changing

If you’ve visited this website before, you may be noticing that it’s looking a little different. In the off-chance that you may be interested in why the change, here’s why.

Stereoscopic vision and God

Stereoscopic vision is a useful and subtle aspect of how we, and some animals, see. Because our two eyes both face the front (unlike some animals and insects whose eyes face more left and right), they both see similar but subtly different views. For example, if two objects are in line, one behind the other, […]

Do not adjust your set, normal transmission is resuming

Those readers who subscribe to this blog may have noticed that about 3 weeks ago all the comments disappeared, and I haven’t posted in that time. And you may have received a strange email about an odd post. The three are related. Three weeks ago the WordPress database was corrupted, I don’t know how. Fortunately […]

The doubt that breathes beside you

People move into and out of faith. Probably most of us stay with the religious beliefs we form in our late teens, but a fair number change their basic belief somewhat later. These changes in belief can be difficult to make and to carry through. But probably nothing is more difficult than when one partner […]

God 0 – atheism 5 ?

We all like to think we’re right in our beliefs, whether it be about God, politics or how our football team can play better. The interesting thing is how strongly we can disagree. A while back I came across an old newspaper column by an atheist, titled The five best reasons not to believe in […]

From polite discourse to no discourse

I have been a christian believer for about 55 years, and throughout that time many of my relatives, friends, work colleagues and internet acquaintances have not. Most of the non-believers have been agnostics or ‘don’t cares’, but there have been some atheists, a couple of Buddhists and Jews, a few Muslims and a few whose […]