Tag: Blogging

Welcome to atheists (and others)

In this blog I explore questions of belief and disbelief, ethics, evidence, etc, all relating to the question of whether God exists. Readers agree and disagree, and some accuse me of inconsistency or dishonesty. I thought it might be worthwhile setting out, particularly for the benefit of non-believers who visit, how I try to work, […]

Themify – recommended blog themes

Website design This website, in one form or another, is more than 7 years old. For most of that time I did the design and coding myself. But a year or so ago I decided I wanted to get the benefit of someone else’s design and coding – more professional graphic design, and coding that […]

I’m a guest blogger (again)

Readers will know that courtesy in discussions between believers and unbelievers is something dear to my heart (see, for example, Atheists vs christians: does it have to be war? So when Matt, who has a blog titled Confessions Of A (former) Young Earth Creationist, asked me to write a post on Conversing with atheists and […]

A general practitioner of the web

This blog and the website are just over 18 months old, though they continue on from previous versions that go back years. I thought it might be appropriate, as 2013 begins, to review what I am aiming to do and what this site offers.

New ways of looking at things

You have probably noticed that the appearance of my blog has changed, and possibly keeps changing. I wanted to have a different design, and I wanted the blog, and eventually the entire site, to be easily read on mobile devices with smaller screens. The easiest way to achieve these two aims was to buy a […]

Enjoy your spam!!!

One of the occupational hazards of blogging is spam comments. You’d expect them to be from the usual sleazy suspects, but more often they’re from small businesses selling laptop batteries, obscure medicinals, and search engine optimisation, etc, hoping they’ll get a link from my site to theirs. Many have a very generic comment praising the […]