Tag: Blogging

History for Atheists

History can sometimes be a battleground in the atheist-christian “wars”. Old Testament history, the life of Jesus, or the misdeeds of the church or individual christians can all become arguments that sceptics use to provide reasons to not believe. But not all the arguments are based on good history, and one atheist feels strongly about […]

Atheists and christians – does it have to be war?

I have several times blogged on how christians and atheists relate to each other on the internet, because I think courtesy is better than rudeness, and attitudes on both sides can be improved. So I was interested in christian author Benjamin Corey’s thoughts on this.

A time to look back …. and forwards

I don’t usually review my blog in a post, but ten years is a milestone worth marking.

Converting an HTML site to WordPress

This page in brief For years I had a self-coded HTML website with a blog attached. Late last year I made the decision to make it entirely built on WordPress, which necessitated converting about a hundred HTML pages to WordPress pages, and solving quite a few problems along the way. I am not a professional […]

Two scientists, probability and God

I have always found astronomy and cosmology fascinating since I was a boy, and so I follow several science blogs. Recently two of them published interesting blog posts on probability and Bayes Theorem. Even if you’re not much interested in maths, I think there’s plenty worth looking at in these posts.

Time for a change

Expect some changes in this website soon. I want to update the design, mostly to make it better suited for viewing on mobiles (more than a third of my visits now) and to make it more stable and easier for me to manage. There’ll be disruption for quite a while as I gradually update and […]

Holy story-telling Batman! It’s Invent-a-Jesus!

A lot of books have been written about Jesus. It’s not really surprising. An obscure boy from nowhere becomes perhaps the most influential person who ever lived. A third of the world believes he was divine. And so the books keep rolling off the presses – or off the keyboards these days when anyone can […]

This blog’s aspiration

Picture: Heart Centred Rebalancing.

The primary reason we each believe what we do

Benjamin Corey’s Formerly Fundie blog is one I read regularly. Benjamin mostly writes, from a slightly radical perspective, about christianity and church in America. But his latest blog (Why I Just Couldn’t Be An Atheist, Even If I Wanted To) discussed how he and an atheist friend sometimes discuss their respective beliefs.

I’m a guest blogger

Eva, a fellow Aussie who blogs as The Aspirational Agnostic asked me to write a guest post, and so I tried something different – three short, short stories under the title There is love. You may like to check it out.